Dining Room Table (Ash, Walnut & BloodWood)


I’ve been woodworking since high school, and have built many elegant, functional pieces such as tables, cutting boards, pens, and bowls. Please find photos and descriptions of some of my favorite pieces below!

Dining Room Table

Dining Room Table Front Ash Dining Room Table: Front View

I built this dining room table in my high-school woodshop in 2016. It’s over 6 feet long and is built mostly from ash, with walnut and bloodwood highlights. One key design requirement for this table was that it had to be easily assemblable/disassemblable and be able to fit in an average-sized SUV, so that it could move with me during college and afterwards. It takes less than 5 minutes to disassembles this table into its 9 pieces!

Fun fact: to join the tabletop pieces, over 120 football shaped “biscuits” are used to guarantee structural integrity!

Garden Table

Garden Table Redwood Garden Table: Trimetric View

I built this garden table over the course of two days in fall 2020 for my back yard in Davis. The COVID-19 global pandemic presented the need for a large outdoor table capable of seating people in a socially distanced manner. This redwood picnic-table inspired piece is my solution! at over 8 feet long, it can comfortably fit two couples for an outdoor meal without breaking CDC guidelines!

With limited time, tools and budget, this table was designed for quick construction using only a drill and a circular saw. At it’s relatively low pricepoint and good durability in outdoor conditions, redwood proved itself to be a worthy choice for material selection.

Optical Illusion Cutting Board

Optical Illusion Cutting Board Optical Illusiton Cutting Board: Trimetric View

At 30”x30”, this is one of the largest and most involved cutting boards I have made. It boasts over 1000 total pieces and is made up of maple, padauk and walnut.

This piece is inspired by the famous wood artist Andrei Muntian, who built a similar design with two varieties of wood. Little did I know that adding a third wood variety would make the project four times more difficult! I spent almost an entire year from the initial conception to the completion of four of these boards.

Bed-Side Table

Bed Side Table Chery Bedside Table: Trimetric View

When my younger brother and I shared a room together in high school, the end of his bed came very close to the end of my bed, and no off-the-shelf nightstand tables would fit in the small gap between the two beds. This narrow cherry bedside table was my solution to the problem! Its slim, elegant design enables it to fit perfectly between the two beds and it serves its purpose brilliantly!

Bowls & Trays

Walnut Bowl Simple Walnut Bowl

Trays Cherry & Mahogany Tray

Over the years, I have built many bowls and trays. The trays are made entirely by hand with a mallet and chisel, whereas the bowls are made with a manual lathe.